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Here’s How to Turn on Your Body’s “Youth Switch”
Scientists have identified a natural enzyme in our bodies called AMPK that is so beneficial it regulates metabolism, whole body energy, and is also one of the body’s most powerful anti-aging tools. In fact, AMPK promotes numerous regenerative pathways and acts in every organ, gland, tissue, and cell in the human body to restore youthful function.

Here’s How Activating AMPK Flips The “Fat Switch” To Help You Burn Fat
AMPK is an enzyme that supports weight loss and overall health when combined with daily exercise, healthy dietary choices, and the use of phytonutrients to mimic exercise benefits and boost metabolism.

Video: 5 Steps to a Deeper, More Restorative Sleep
Ask any group of people what they struggle with most in their health, and there’s a better-than-average chance that a majority of them will say they wish they slept better.

Video: Beta-Caryophyllene – The Secret Phytonutrient!
In this video, Dr. Kyl breaks down how we can positively influence our genetic expression and how regularly consuming key phytonutrients like beta-caryophyllene can

Video: Go Beyond CBD!
In this video, Dr. Kyl explains how by understanding the way CBD and certain phytonutrients interact with our endocannabinoid system, we can look better,

Video: What is Xanthohumol?
In this video, Dr. Kyl unpacks one of the most significant emerging superfoods, Xanthohumol, and all the incredible anti-aging and healing benefits it offers.

Healthy-Aging Starts Here! How To Protect Your Cells Against DNA Damage
For an in-depth video that expands on Xanthohumol, go HERE. You’ve likely heard of a number of foods being labeled as “good for wellness.” They

The Ins and Outs of CBD
For an exciting video on how CBD can help you look, feel, and age better, go HERE. As you have likely seen or already know,

The Amazing Health-Restoring Benefits of Beta-Caryophyllene
To watch a fascinating video on Beta-Caryophyllene, go HERE. What’s captured my own interest personally, is the fact that the endocannabinoid system plays an important