It’s hard to estimate how many people have asked me for weight loss advice over the last three decades. Being a bestselling nutritional supplement formulator, this is no doubt the most common question:

“Hey Doc, what can I take to lose weight?”

And of course, what people are really looking for when they ask that question is – what can I take that works, and works fast?


The Quest for Effective Weight Loss Solutions

I can straight out say that for years I’ve searched for a good answer to this question and there have been some promising developments in nutrition science that are noteworthy. Even in my own home, Kathy, my best friend and wife of 30 plus years, has asked me for shortcuts. Of course, she and I together have tried several over the years. The really great news is I’ve found something that scientifically makes complete sense and works so well I am way beyond excited about it and want to share it with the world!

This discovery works so well Kathy says people are asking “what are you doing different? You’ve lost so much weight, and so fast!” And her favorite, “you look so much younger!” Even more, I can’t miss mentioning this one, what she called her “chicken neck” is gone! Kathy says this key to weight loss has led to a complete “transformation!” So, I am beyond excited to share what we’ve found with all of you who are looking for a Better Body and a Brighter Mind.


What you are about to discover can change your life forever!

Only very recently have researchers identified that “activating” or increasing a natural enzyme in our bodies known as adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) can literally “turn your metabolism on” while “flipping a switch” that causes your body to tap into and burn fat for fuel. This enzyme acts as a metabolic master switch that first increases your metabolism and then switches your bodies fuel source from burning carbs to burning body fat. Even more, “turning AMPK on” can specifically target stubborn belly fat that first balances hormones, and then quickly propels you toward your weight-loss better-body goals.


The Broad Impact of AMPK Activation

Here’s what’s really amazing – the benefits of AMPK activation are actually much bigger and broader that just shredding body fat! The AMPK enzyme is found inside every cell in your body and acts as a storage unit for cellular energy. In essence, more AMPK creates lean toned muscle that serves to boost metabolism and drops fat.


Age-Related Decline in AMPK and its Consequences

As with everything, AMPK is first influenced by your genetics. If you are fortunate enough to naturally be toned and sculpted, that’s AMPK’s work. If you have to work extremely hard to lose weight, that’s a genetic tendency toward “low” AMPK activation. Either way, the real bummer is, as we get older, no matter what your genetics say, AMPK levels often fall as internal processes slow down. This is when your metabolism drops, crawls to a stop, and it seems like you could eat a single saltine cracker, drink a glass of water, and still gain weight!

You and just about everyone you know are familiar with the result, pounds and pounds of unwanted body fat accumulate over time and this gets more common as we get older. Being that increased weight gain as you age is directly linked to accelerating the aging process, knocking hormones out of balance, and causing joint pains and inflammation, it becomes critically important to do everything you can to restore youthful AMPK levels to look better, feel better, age slower and live longer.


AMPK: The Guardian of Metabolism

I’ll never forget the first scientific paper I read about this subject. The title was, “AMPK: The Guardian of Metabolism.” Now think of what the researchers are saying with that title. As an example, I visualize a knight in armor standing as guardian to the gate of a castle. In that scientific paper, researchers stated that AMPK was “the determining factor in control of your metabolism or the total amount of calories your body burns for fuel on any given day”. And in addition, AMPK drives youthful energy, whole body cellular repair, cellular detoxification, determines the rate of aging, and is directly connected to the level of health and vitality you experience. As you might imagine, learning about all of these benefits I became an AMPK fan and it’s now my passion to share the benefits of AMPK with everyone I know and love.


The Better Body Brighter Mind Challenge: Activating AMPK

So, if you are like my Kathy, you want to know how to “activate” AMPK to restore your youthful energy and to burn calories like a fat burning machine. Here’s exactly what I shared with her that resulted in all the compliments she’s received and this is the same list of action steps for what she now calls her “total transformation!”


Let’s call this the “Better Body Brighter Mind Challenge” as I lovingly challenge you to do these three things every day for the next 30 days to see how much weight you can lose and see just how fantastic you can feel!


1. The Power of Exercise in AMPK Activation

First and foremost, the most powerful way to boost AMPK is exercise. There’s just no getting around it. Our bodies were created to move. The good news is it only takes 10 minutes a day of exercise to optimally boost AMPK. I am hoping that will both excite and inspire you! 10 minutes is something that we all can work into our schedules. You don’t have to be a gym rat, and by that, I mean you don’t have to spend hours a day exercising. You just need to know “how to exercise” the right way to optimally boost AMPK.

Please see the Better Body Brighter Mind article on “The Best Way To Exercise to Activate AMPK” for more details on how to boost AMPK in just 10 minutes a day. If the article is not yet available, click the “Contact Us” tab, request it, and we will send you a PDF.


2. Eating to Sustain AMPK

The second most powerful thing you can do is “eat to sustain AMPK.” This is actually a critically important step because as it turns out, you are in complete control of your AMPK levels. Once you know what to do, you can eat to sustain high AMPK all day and naturally shred body fat. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. You can mistakenly eat foods that will drop AMPK like a rock and literally stop all fat burn in its tracks. The great news is, it’s really NOT about dieting – it’s all about eating more metabolism-boosting foods. Once you do, you’ll have boundless energy and feel fantastic, and your body can sustain high levels of AMPK throughout the day. Please see the Better Body Brighter Mind article on “What To Eat To Activate AMPK” for details. If the article is not yet available, click the “Contact Us” tab, request it, and we will send you a PDF.


3. The Role of Phytonutrients in AMPK Activation

The third most powerful thing you can do is to take phytonutrients known as “exercise mimetics” preferably in combination with exercise every day. Here’s a new term I bet you never forget! An exercise mimetic “mimics” exercise. That’s right! Exercise mimetics are phytonutrients that when consumed, “mimic” the benefits of exercise. When you consume them, your body thinks you’ve just exercised.

While these phytonutrients will be incredibly beneficial on the days that you simply can’t exercise to keep the home fires of your metabolism burning, I want you to think of the benefits of taking these phytonutrients every day while also exercising so your body gets two powerful and independent messages both signaling it to burn fat every day.

This is exactly what Kathy did to experience so much success so quickly. She exercised every day, and with the exercise mimetics she got a whole lot more out of the effort. That’s like the ultimate exercise cheat or hack! Now you too can get way more out of your exercise efforts. For a brief list of the top AMPK activating phytonutrients, look for the blue button “The Best AMPK Activators” on the Better Body Brighter Mind homepage and for even more information on these amazing phytonutrients, please see the Better Body Brighter Mind article “The Seven Best Phytonutrients to Activate AMPK.”

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