To watch a fascinating video on Beta-Caryophyllene, go HERE.

What’s captured my own interest personally, is the fact that the endocannabinoid system plays an important role in brain function – influencing mood, anxiety, learning and memory, pain control, sleep, appetite, metabolism, and frankly, a whole lot more.

Since graduate school, my number one fascination in the field of nutrition has always been brain function. Almost instantly, I was attracted like a magnet to nutritionally oriented doctors who were utilizing nutrition in practice to heal patients and reverse health conditions.

What really captured my attention were all the adults (like myself) and children who once had ADD or ADHD, and now didn’t. From that moment on, I couldn’t stop searching, learning, and sharing with others all we can do to optimize brain function for better mental performance, mood, memory, and overall quality of life.

Recognizing that the brain is the master organ that regulates and controls all other organs, glands, tissues, and systems in the human body – it makes sense that it takes a healthy brain to create and maintain a healthy body. Now add to that the fact that researchers discovered the endocannabinoid system controls and regulates so much in the brain and body – it also makes sense that anything and everything you can do to maintain and improve the endocannabinoid system translates to better health, both in the present and in the future.   

Here’s a really important part of the endocannabinoid story to come to grips with: Science is now showing, as we age, the endocannabinoid system becomes less active. This can lead to accelerated aging and increased susceptibility to dysfunction and disease in every category influenced by this brain and body-wide system.

For those who want to improve their internal endocannabinoid functions to experience better health, scientists have identified phytonutrients, or compounds, found in certain plants that favorably influence the endocannabinoid system in multiple ways.

What is the Endocannabinoid system?

The name “endocannabinoid” comes from the fact that plant-derived cannabinoid compounds, such as those found in hemp, hops, and all kinds of spices, influence cannabinoid receptors on cell membranes. Endo refers to something formed within the body. So, let me share with you the part that blows my mind, and I think you’ll find fascinating too…

It’s the fact that our cells—the 100+ trillion cells in the human body – literally have receptors that are influenced by the compounds found in certain plants like hemp, hops, and all kinds of spices. And adding these compounds to the diet, in turn, activates these receptors modifying and improving hormones, neurotransmitters, decreasing inflammation, and stimulating a whole host of positive effects throughout our cells and even genetics! This means, we can positively influence our genetic expression by the foods that we eat!

It’s simply amazing that plant compounds can induce anti-aging benefits and protect our brain and body from disease. It’s also humbling that those who are fortunate enough to learn about this information and implement it have the power to look better, feel better and age slower – where others, not fortunate enough to put these anti-aging strategies into play, will simply lose out…

Besides “healthy-aging” here’s why this is so important!

In the brain, the endocannabinoid system has been shown to be neuroprotective, shielding brain cells against damage, age-related changes, and promoting formation of new neurons.

Wait… What? New Neurons?!?

This is a major foundational key to brain health in that, as we age, our ability to form new neurons or nerve cells declines. This decline directly contributes to poor memory, mental performance, as well as cognitive and functional decline. By the way, recent research shows this decline in new healthy brain cells also contributes to anxiety and negatively alters our mood.

So, the endocannabinoid system maintains and increases neurogenesis, helping to improve and maintain learning and memory. The key here, “maintaining learning and memory,” processing new experiences, learning new skills and activities is where the rubber meets the road with regard to who we are, what we do and become, and how we enjoy our lives as we age!

The endocannabinoid system is also involved in “boosting synaptic plasticity”. The ability of our synapses (e.g., the endpoints where neurons connect, interact, and communicate), to adapt to new information also diminishes in old age. By strengthening this ability, known as synaptic plasticity, the endocannabinoid system can directly help improve memory, mood, and prevent cognitive decline.

The Amazing Benefits of Beta-Caryophyllene

Beta-caryophyllene is a phytonutrient with amazing healing properties that is found in many essential oils and plants, including hops, hemp, rosemary, clove, lavender, ylang-ylang, and even black pepper. As a matter of fact, it exists in small quantities in several health promoting oils and spices that are known to exhibit anti-inflammatory and cell-regenerative properties both topically on your skin, and internally within the body.

Scientists have discovered that this compound directly activates one of the most important endocannabinoid receptors known as CB2-receptors, mimicking and echoing the activity of this category of endocannabinoids throughout the brain and body.

A number of recent and modern studies have reported that betacaryophyllene’s activities include antioxidant, analgesic (pain-relieving), and neuroprotection (protecting brain cells). The primary action of the CB2 receptor is in the inhibition of inflammatory pathways, and growing evidence suggests that betacaryophyllene protects neuronal tissues through the activation of CB2 receptors, which are expressed in numerous brain regions including the:

  • Cortex (involved in higher processes in the human brain, like memory, thinking, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, emotions, consciousness and functions related to your senses)
  • Hippocampus (plays a foundational role in learning and memory)
  • Amygdala (helps to regulate emotion, mood, and encode memories)
  • Cerebellum (responsible for balance and movement)
  • Immune cells (regulating and influencing immunity)
  • Peripheral nervous system pathways (involved in the sensation of pain)

These CB2 receptors are found throughout the brain and body. In animal models, their activation by beta-caryophyllene has been demonstrated to:

  • Reduce inflammation in brain cells
  • Improve insulin sensitivity and function
  • Improve blood glucose control
  • Improve blood lipids, and even improve vascular inflammation
  • Protect against age-related cognitive decline and reduce levels of age-related pro-inflammatory cytokines
  • Inhibit growth of abnormal cells

So, here’s the really good part…

In the last few decades, scientists have been exploring what natural compounds in plants can benefit the brain and body. Much of this research is due to improved technology in analytical equipment that can better identify the phytonutrient compounds, as well as advances that empower us to concentrate and isolate the healing essence of the compounds, making it convenient to add them to the daily diet.

One of the key phytonutrients that I would never want to go a day without is beta-caryophyllene due to all the science that now shows this ingredient is beneficial for not only longevity and possibly prolonging lifespan, but improving mitochondrial function.  This results in more energy for cells throughout the brain and body while improving metabolism – possibly as a side-benefit to improving mitochondrial function, and also because of its mitochondrial benefits, protecting against neurodegeneration.

Talk about amazing! In the last five years alone, more than a thousand scientific papers have studied or referenced this ingredient according to the National Library of Medicine. That tells you something powerful. Research into the benefits of this amazing phytonutrient is exploding with growth and interest. With that said, you can expect a regular update and review of this superfood botanical on this website in an effort to better empower you to manifest a Better Body and Brighter Mind.

Beta-Caryophyllene References:

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