For an in-depth video that expands on Xanthohumol, go HERE.

You’ve likely heard of a number of foods being labeled as “good for wellness.” They are often called “superfoods” or phytonutrients (meaning plant-based nutrients), and there are good reasons to pay special attention to these compounds. Why? They are natural plant extracts or concentrates that modern science has recently discovered can deliver potent, active benefits, proven by science. They have the power to restore or transform health, extend healthy lifespan, AND improve how you feel!

Quite literally, scientists are discovering and proving that these natural plant-based compounds can squash age-accelerating inflammation (often called inflammation) while improving antioxidant status. Accomplishing both of these outcomes at the very same time can also positively modify and improve your hormonal profile – and that translates to healthy aging, unlike anything science has seen or measured before. There’s truly a lot to be excited about today in the superfood or phytonutrient category.

A Powerful Example of a Potent and Beneficial Phytonutrient

Based on extensive research, scientists have discovered a natural hops-derived flavonoid compound called Xanthohumol, that has been shown in human clinical studies to significantly reduce DNA damage in cells – which certainly promotes healthy aging, and may also significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

Here’s why reducing DNA damage is so important…

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, present in every living organism, is a biological instruction manual that contains all the information needed for your body’s development, reproduction, and survival. But these vital little molecules are under constant attack from radiation, air pollution, toxins in the environment, cigarette smoke, toxins in food, and even the byproducts of the body’s normal metabolic processes.

Especially when we’re younger, our cells are equipped to repair much of this damage. As we age however, DNA damage accumulates, and the cells become less proficient at making the necessary repairs. The result: a build-up of damaged DNA, accelerated aging, an increase in the risk of cancer and a host of other chronic and age-associated diseases.

So, it’s important to point out again, the extent to which DNA damage occurs (or can be prevented) correlates closely with how healthy we are today, how healthy we will be tomorrow, and how long we will live.

Two additional compounds – beta-caryophyllene and cannabidiol (CBD) have been recognized for their multitargeted capacity to reduce or inhibit DNA damage. As brief examples, CBD shows a photoprotective effect against ultraviolet induced DNA damage, and beta-caryophyllene inhibits DNA damage by decreasing inflammation, reducing oxidative stress, and activating healthy Nrf2 pathways. Stay tuned, as I plan to explore these botanical superfoods deeper in this blog and a future podcast.

As for xanthohumol, in my 30+ years as a researcher in the field of nutrition sciences, I’ve never seen a single compound that’s so well poised to offer the best possible natural protection against age-accelerating damage to our DNA.


  • A critically important way to promote healthy aging is to prevent DNA damage.
  • New studies show that xanthohumol prevents DNA damage and acts by multiple mechanisms to reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Xanthohumol can protect DNA against both natural chemical stresses as well as those induced by dietary and environmental carcinogens.
  • Supplementation with nutrients, superfoods, and botanical ingredients that protect against DNA damage is an outstanding first and foundational step in helping to prevent cancer and numerous age-associated conditions.

Current research data is showing that xanthohumol has a broad cancer-prevention profile and acts by a variety of mechanisms to even prevent cancer initiation. That said, the compound’s ability to prevent DNA damage has scientists most intrigued and has now resulted in two recent human clinical studies that both highlight xanthohumol’s ability to significantly reduce DNA damage.


Xanthohumol delivers impressive protection:

  • In a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 22 healthy individuals consumed a xanthohumol supplement or a placebo daily for just 14 days.
  • Subjects had their blood and urine collected before, during, and after the supplementation period.
  • The researchers were specifically looking for changes in DNA stability in white blood cells, as well as the urinary excretion of damaged fragments of DNA and of reactive oxygen species.
  • The study showed that subjects consuming xanthohumol experienced a remarkable reduction in DNA damage compared with those consuming the placebo.
  • By the end of the 14-day study, the effect reached a reduction of 33% in DNA damage.
  • In a second clinical trial of those taking xanthohumol, a significant effect was evident by Day 7, and climbed to a maximum 53% reduction in DNA damage at the end of the study period.


What is potentially the most intriguing part of the second study was the fact that researchers shared what they believe is the mechanism by which xanthohumol delivers its many benefits in humans. They found an improvement in glutathione related detoxification and an increase in glutathione itself by 43% after just 14 days of supplementation.

That is remarkable in that, glutathione is the brain and body’s major antioxidant defense against the onslaught of free radicals that we are exposed to every day.


Hence, glutathione:

  • Reduces oxidative stress
  • Improves insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity in older individuals
  • Protects mitochondria (the power houses generating energy in our cells)
  • Protects brain cells from oxidative stress
  • Protects neurons against the toxicity of various compounds
  • Supports and protects the liver’s ability to better function and detoxify
  • Is potentially the most beneficial endogenous healthy aging compound known to man


The problem with glutathione is science shows that its production declines as we age. In other words, it’s completely common for young healthy vibrant individuals that are 25 years old to have significantly more healthy glutathione floating around their bloodstream to heal and repair tissues compared to individuals at 60 – and this may be a foundational key to the level of health, vitality, energy, and aging we see between the two groups.


  • Increases energy
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Reduces muscle and joint discomfort
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Detoxifies the liver and cells
  • Improves mental focus and clarity
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Reduces the effects of stress
  • Enhances skin appearance and elasticity
  • Promotes muscle protein synthesis and repair

Better Body Brighter Mind Tip:

A number of human studies show that whole body glutathione production is induced and improved by dietary components like Brassica vegetables (e.g., broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens and turnups) as well as polyphenols from Camellia Sinensis (e.g., high-quality, heavy metal and toxin-free green tea). Adding as much of the above to your diet as possible will improve healthy aging and decrease DNA damage. That said, xanthohumol currently stands out as the shining star in this category.

The Health-Promoting Benefits of NRF2

Superfoods that deliver NRF2 activators (pronounced ‘nerf-too’) are antioxidant-making powerhouses. Researchers have stated that activating Nrf2 is powerfully anti-aging in that, Nrf2 activators wash over the cells in the body promoting healthy cell-signaling that in turn, serves to decrease inflammation and oxidative stress, up-regulate the body’s ability to detoxify chemicals, boosts healthy immune function, while also playing a major role in the synthesis of glutathione.

The key is, in animal models, xanthohumol has been shown to be an Nrf2 activator in brain cells which is likely its method of conferring all kinds of protection there and elsewhere in the body.

Finally, after conducting the two double-blind clinical trials in humans, the researchers in the second study stated that it is quite possible that xanthohumol’s robust protection against genetic damage is augmented by activation of genetic repair. If future research proves repair; that xanthoxumol first significantly reduces damage from happening in the first place, while also playing a role in repairing damage – well, you can expect that xanthohumol will most certainly become a household word as none of us would ever want to go a day without it!

Xanthohumol References:

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