Video: Go Beyond CBD!

In this video, Dr. Kyl explains how by understanding the way CBD and certain phytonutrients interact with our endocannabinoid system, we can look better,

Video: What is Xanthohumol?

In this video, Dr. Kyl unpacks one of the most significant emerging superfoods, Xanthohumol, and all the incredible anti-aging and healing benefits it offers.

The Ins and Outs of CBD

For an exciting video on how CBD can help you look, feel, and age better, go HERE. As you have likely seen or already know, I’ve been passionate about the many healing benefits of nutrition for 30+ years. My absolute fascination is brain health, and that interest was lit on fire when I was introduced […]

The Amazing Health-Restoring Benefits of Beta-Caryophyllene

To watch a fascinating video on Beta-Caryophyllene, go HERE. What’s captured my own interest personally, is the fact that the endocannabinoid system plays an important role in brain function – influencing mood, anxiety, learning and memory, pain control, sleep, appetite, metabolism, and frankly, a whole lot more. Since graduate school, my number one fascination in […]